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About Us

UTRIP GROUP PTY LTD (“Utrip Group”) established in 2016 as a fully registered travel agency based in Melbourne Australia (ABN: 92 611 619 455). We focus on exploring and integrating Australian tourism and its relevant resources, aim to offer our customers (mainly Chinese) comprehensive and reliable travel information, highly customised travel products and wide range of travel services by collaborating with local expert suppliers and relevant merchants.

utripgroup.com is an online travel platform (OTP) owned by Utrip Group, it also defined as a platform which combines Australian tourism, entertainment and social networking all together. utripgroup.com focuses on all travellers with Chinese background. Utripgroup.com carries out our mission of “Unburden your trip, make your trip more efficient, more entertaining and delight your experience.'', by utilising a “travel+ social networking” concept, mentally and financially end of our customers’ burden while planning a trip, improve their decision-making, incorporate more entertaining elements into their trips and provide them a distinctive travel experience.

We are not only offering trading services, but also a link among travellers and a link between travellers and relevant suppliers. Additionally, it is our aspiration to disseminate the underlying culture of destinations to every traveller.


Utrip Group Pty Ltd (以下简称 Utrip Group),于2016年在澳大利亚墨尔本注册成立,是一家合法注册旅游公司(ABN: 92 611 619 455)。Utrip Group专注于探索与整合澳大利亚旅游及其相关资源,精选澳大利亚当地专业特色旅游服务商,强强联合,为广大客户提供全面可靠的旅游资讯、深度定制化的旅游产品及全方位的旅游服务。

utripgroup.com是Utrip Group旗下一个在线旅游平台(Online Travel Platform,OTP)。该平台又被定位为澳大利亚旅游玩乐分享社交平台,面向广大华语旅行者,承载着“让旅行没有负担,让旅行变得更高效、更有趣、更愉悦”的使命, 运用互联网思维和利用信息技术建立一个“旅行+社交”模式,旨在降低旅行者计划旅游的负担,提高旅行决策度,并让其旅途变得更具娱乐性,给旅行者一个与众不同的旅游体验。

